Monday, October 8, 2012

My Story Line The Birth Of Mother Nature 1

             The Story Line                               
       The Birth of Mother Nature   
      Close to the beginning. Everything had an opposite. There 
was good but there was no evil so the tree of life and the tree 
of knowledge grew in the garden holding evil within them.

     There were the heavens above. And on earth there were

 three realms.The Earth realm, The Shadow lands (The In-betweens) 

and Realm of Hell. There are times around 3 years at 3 clock 

that the realm walls weaken and a powerful beam can reach 
though. The Devil found that out and reach though and 
grabbed a woman and pulled her into hell. She got pregnant
by the devil but he did not have the power to put her back in
to the Earth realm.  When she got pregnant a opposite in the
Earth realm had to be created so The Tree of Life and The
Tree of Knowledge conjured a soul a very powerful soul and put
it in to a alpha female wolf. There was a 3rd soul conjured
in at the same time and they all 3 were born at the same time down
to the very second.
    When the alpha female wolf gave birth she had a brown male,
 a grey female, and a white female. She was white as the snow
with bright blue eyes.
    When the white was born she was born with three destinies.
The 1st is to maintain the balance between good and evil. The 2nd
is to protect mankind. The 3rd is to maintain and nurture nature.
    Her soul had been conjured from The Tree of Life which she
was born immortal. The Tree of knowledge gave her all
the knowledge of everything. And her soul being from both trees
she had all the elemental powers- Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and
Melt. She could sometimes feel what mankind was feeling outside
of the garden.

                                            Wrote By

                                     Andrea De Bravo


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